Zacc Forbes-Smith

I grew up in Mangawhai Heads and Rarotonga as a kid where the ocean became a place of magic for me where I found peace, beauty and inspiration through surfing and fishing. I grew a powerful love for the power and tranquility of the sea in the place where it kisses the shoreline. I have carried this with me all my life.

I have painted from a young age but had a significant hiatus a decade as i pursued a career as an athlete in combat sports. When I retired from fighting Muay Thai and Kickboxing across a couple of different countries I needed a place in my life to express myself freely and I rediscovered my paint brushes.

I have spent the last years up to this point working to study and continually improve my ability to express my love for the sea through painting seascapes. Inspired by our beautiful coastline and the waves that crash down upon it, my focus has been not to paint photo realistic seascapes but to paint them in the way I felt in my heart about them.... striking, surreal and powerful. I do all this so I can share my vision with you.

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