Orlando Allan

Coming from a family of artists, Allan dabbled in art as a child. As he grew up, his interest in the arts waned, replaced by an interest in civil engineering, which was his qualification.

The artist in him was not lost; it came back in 2006 in the form of photography. He first became a wedding and family portrait photographer. Then, in 2013, he transitioned into a corporate headshot and portrait photographer under Identity Headshots, a company he built with his wife, Bernie.

Throughout the years, he produced various photographic artworks as an artistic outlet. To challenge himself to be creative regardless of mood, Allan took on the Project 365 Challenge—creating photos daily for a year. He even took it to a different level, as his photos were not random snaps but well-thought-out photos. He not only did this for a year but did another for three straight years. This gave him the creative discipline needed as an artist.

Nowadays, if their studio is not keeping him busy, his love for urban farming has.