Veronika Lambert

Veronika grew up at the foothills of the Bavarian Alps - a majestic and awe-inspiring landscape of mountains, lakes and moors. Although she loves her home country, she always enjoyed travelling and experiencing new places and cultures. In 2007 she moved to New Zealand, met her husband and settled on the East Coast/ Tairawhiti in the small seaside town of Okitu, just outside of Gisborne. Here, with the ocean at her doorsteps she started painting in 2020.

​Veronika's Art is deeply inspired by the Pacific Ocean, its moods and changing colors, which she captures in her seascapes in oils and acrylics.

"There is something about the sea - it creates creativity. I am fortunate to live at the beach and wake up with the sun rising over the ocean. Its ever -changing beauty inspires me to pick up the paintbrush and create." Veronika Lambert

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